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BIPA Beauty Tools: Group Review

Pozdrav svima! Danas ću predstaviti neke makeup alate koje sam isprobavala kroz zadnjih par mjeseci. Zajednička tematika je: svi se mogu naći isključivo u BIPI. Volim Bipine kistove, makar u zadnje vrijeme naginjem i prema Body&Soul kistovima (dostupnima u Mulleru). Krenimo!

Hello Beauty, Makeup Sponge, blue: Već sam pričala o ovoj spužvici, ali o žutoj verziji: LINK OVDJE. Sve što sam rekla za žutu vrijedi i za plavu spužvicu. Stvarno ne vidim nikakvu razliku među njima, osim što plava boja nije tako osjetljiva, pa se na njoj mrlje ne vide tako dobro. Koristim ju isključivo vlažnu, nikada suhu. Može ih se oprati, ali treba biti uporan i koristiti dobar sapun. Uživam u ovim spužvicama (bolje su od bilo koje druge za ovako nisku cijenu), i više uopće ne koristim kistove za nanošenje tekućeg pudera. Ako još niste, probajte. Cijena: 19,90kn
LOOK by Bipa, Eyeshadow brush: Obožavam dizajn ove LOOK by Bipa linije, volim kombinaciju bijele i roze. Kist imam dulje vrijeme i zadovoljna sam. Dobro nanosi sjenila na kapak, nema se tu puno za reći, odrađuje posao. Što se tiče pranja, kod ovog kista sjenila mi se povuku na bijeli dio dlake i dosta ju je zeznuto dobro očistiti. Jedino mi ne odgovara za iznimno slabo pigmentirana sjenila, kod kojih kist ''pojede'' većinu proizvoda. Cijena: 14,90kn
LOOK by BIPA, Lip Brush: Ovaj kist za nanošenje ruža ne volim i ne preporučujem. Nakon dva korištenja kist se raspao (slika dolje). Možda je ovo bio jedini zeznuti (svi ostali LOOK by Bipa kistovi su mi u jednom komadu). Kist ne mogu koristiti za obrubljivanje usana jer nije dovoljno precizan (niti blizu), a za sredinu usne mi ne treba jer to mogu srediti ružem. Dobar je jedino ako imate palete ruževa ili proizvoda za usne. Kistić nije loš, ali mi nikako ne odgovara za svrhu koja mu je namijenjena. Uglavnom ga koristim za sjenila. Cijena: 14,90 kn

LOOK by BIPA, Mascara brush: Ovo mi je najdraža četkica iz Bipe i najčešće je koristim (svaki dan). Koristim ju za oblikovanje obrva i za trepavice (nakon što nanesem maskaru, trepavice razdvojim ovom četkicom, za postizanje prirodnog izgleda). Treba mi svaki dan, čak i onda kad ne stavljam šminku. Ima ovakvih četkica i na ebayu po nižoj cijeni, ali ova je dostupna bliže nama. Možda bi mi bila još i bolja kada bi drška bila nešto kraća, ali nema veze. Preporučujem, ovo je must-have proizvod. Cijena: 14,90 kn
LOOK by BIPA, Make up Pad Duo: Ovo su one klasične make up spužvice koje bi svi trebali imati kod kuće. Lako se održavaju. Ne koristim ih previše jer pudere u kamenu nanosim kistom, ali dobro ih je imati u zalihi. Cijena: 9,90kn

LOOK by BIPA, Powder pad: Nemam pojma zašto sam ovo uzela, nikada ju ne koristim. Ovaj alat pojede većinu proizvoda, a ako ju i koristite, svejedno morate sve 'popravljati' kistom. Meni je beskorisna. Sjećam se da sam prije stalno koristila ovakve alate, danas rijetko kad posežem za njima. Cijena: 14,90kn

IQ cosmetics, Powder Puff: Ovaj proizvod namijenjen je nanošenju loose pudera. Stvarno ga slabo koristim. Zeznut je za održavanje i pranje. Uzela sam ga jer je izgledao 'retro', ali jasno mi je zašto ga danas žene slabo koriste. Možda bi bio dobar za nanošenje loose pudera za tijelo (kao neki shimmer po tijelu ljeti ili šta ti ja znam). Ja mu nisam našla neku svrhu, jednostavno mi uopće ne odgovara. Ima teksturu obične deke. Cijena: 14,90 kn

Sve u svemu, mogu se naći super stvari u BIPI, posebno jeftini (a ok kvalitete) kistovi. Danas su jeftiniji kistovi lakše dostupni, prije ih nije bilo lako pronaći, pa je BIPA bila glavno mjesto za shopping. Osobno preferiram LOOK by Bipa liniju više od IQ linije, vizualno mi se više dopada, a po kvaliteti su tu negdje. 

Tko još odlazi po kistove u Bipu? Što mislite o ovoj bijelo-rozoj kombinaciji boja? BIPA bi ubrzo trebala dobiti novi kist: stippling brush. Još jedan sladak dizajn (neću moći odoliti), ali nikako da ga pronađem u dućanu. Je li ga tko vidio?


Nail Fail: Nude And Pink

Ola! When I wore this look, it was THE BOMB! It looked so good in real life. But when I saw it on photos, I was less than impressed. What the hell happened? Why wasn't I able to capture it on camera? *Insert sobs*

I used the following products:
Eveline MiniMax nail polish, no. 496: One of my favorites. The shade looks very lady-like and it dries very fast. Only one coat is necessary for full coverage. If you love nude shades, this one is for you.
Essence, colour&go (old collection): I can't say this enough, I just love the old polish bottles so much more than the new ones. This polish really shows all the amazing things essence has to offer: I've had it for a long time, and the texture and shade are still flawless, not to mention that it dries super fast. Go essence!
Ugh, I'm so sad this look will go into the FAILS category. The photos just don't do it justice. You know, I've noticed I do a lot of dotted looks. Do I need to go to dotting rehab? LOL

Stay gorgeous!
xoxo, j.

Avon Moroccan Argan Oil, Recenzija: Tretman i Maska

Pozdrav svima! Danas ću kratko pričati o dva proizvoda za kosu iz Avona koji pripadaju istoj kolekciji: Avon Moroccan Argan Oil. Čula sam dobre stvari o njima pa sam ih odlučila isprobati (isprobavam ih 6 mjeseci). Nosim Ombre frizuru pa imam oštećene vrhove i zato često isprobavam nove proizvode za njegu kose. Nedavno sam skratila kosu nekih 20ak centimetara, pa mi više nije tako oštećena, ali ipak mogu podijeliti s vama iskustva (tj. imaju li ovi proizvodi ikakav učinak na oštećenu kosu).

Tretman bez ispiranja s marokanskim arganovim uljem za sve tipove kose (30ml, 25kn) 
(Avon, Advance techniques, Moroccan argan oil, 360 nourishment, Leave-in treatment)
Avon kaže: ovaj tretman jača kosu, dubinski njeguje i zaglađuje čak i oštećenu kosu (ne!) te se trenutno upija i pruža kosi hidrataciju i sjaj. Kako koristiti: tretman ulijte na dlanove, jednakomjerno nanesite na vlažnu kosu prosušenu ručnikom. Ne ispirati.
E sad, kad sam kupila ovaj proizvod, tražila sam neko ulje za kosu koje bih stavljala na suhu kosu. Međutim, ovaj proizvod nije namijenjen takvoj upotrebi (ide samo na mokru kosu). To nije pisalo u katalogu, ali nema veze. Znači, uzela sam proizvod koji nisam zapravo tražila. Potrošila sam skoro polovicu proizvoda, i iskreno ga ne bi preporučila. Nije loš, ali nisam vidjela nikakve pomake. Prije nego sam skratila kosu, vrhovi kose bili su mi jako suhi. Ovaj proizvod nije mi zagladio kosu niti ju je učinio glatkom. Nisam vidjela nikakvu razliku. Sada kad sam se riješila tih ispucalih vrhova, s ovim proizvodom ili bez njega, izgledam isto. Inače, onaj Balein serum za kosu je učinio da moja oštećena kosa izgleda fenomenalno, ali nikakve slične rezultate nisam dobila od ovog proizvoda. Eto, nije me impresionirao. Fino miriši i brzo se upija, ali neku pravu razliku stvarno ne vidim. Jedva čekam da ga potrošim. Nema šanse da ću ovo kupiti ponovno. Ovaj tretman mogao bi biti dobar za vas ako nemate oštećenu kosu te želite neko lagano ulje koje će kosu samo malčice zagladiti. Meni s ovim proizvodom kosa i dalje izgleda ''frizzy''.
Maska za sve tipove kose s marokanskim arganovim uljem (150ml, 30kn)
(Avon, Advance techniques, Moroccan argan oil, 360 nourishment, mask)
Avon kaže da ova maska pruža intenzivan hidratantni tretman, te da kosu čini mekom (sve istina). Kako se koristi: nanijeti na mokru kosu, ostaviti da djeluje 5 minuta, isprati. E sada, ovaj proizvod mogu slobodno preporučiti. Definitivno primjećujem razliku: kosa je mekša, glatka i izgleda zdravije. Maska nije teška, i jako fino miriši (ali miris se izgubi nakon pranja). Definitivno uživam u ovom proizvodu, i puno mi bolje odgovara od bilo kojeg regeneratora. Preporučujem.

Dva proizvoda iz iste linije, jedan mi odgovara, drugi ne. Znam da je ova linija dosta popularna - jeste li isprobali koji ovaj proizvod i što mislite? Čitamo se ubrzo, 

xoxo, j.

Essence 'Hello Autumn' Eyeshadow Palettes - Review

Ola loves! It's been a long time since I was this excited over a limited edition. Essence released a limited edition 'Hello Autumn' which was wonderful to behold: all the shades I adore, and all this in the cutest packaging ever. You can check out the entire collection HERE and HERE. Today I bring you the reviews of two eyeshadow palettes that are a part of this beautiful collection - they're so cute, right?

I love these palettes. The packaging is sturdy and strong , this is the same packaging as the Catrice Nude and Matt palettes. You get a sponge applicator with the palettes, but I've never been a fan of those so I don't really use them. I suggest using eyeshadow base with these palettes because it really makes the colors pop and last longer. When it comes to pigmentation, each shade is different. Some have stronger pigmentation, others have very weak pigmentation. When it comes to the shades that are not that pigmented, it makes a world of difference if you apply them with a wet or a damp brush. No two shades are identical in these two palettes, though some may look similar. Both these palettes offer shades with sparkle and glitter particles, so they will not suit you if you're trying to avoid glitter. These shades really stand out. Application is very easy, and the shades are easily blendable and easy to work with. Overall, I've fallen in love with these palettes. Price: 32,90 kn
Essence, Hello Autumn, eyeshadow palette, 01 Walk in the park
This one is my favorite out of the two. I love the Ombre look of the palette, and I think you all know I'm a nut for golden and bronze shades. The texture of the eyeshadows is dusty and this palette contains lots of tiny sparkles and glitters and shimmer. Now on to the individual shades, and swatches are below:
1: White and shiny (has tiny sparkles that shimmer in the sun), with a pearl-effect and a metallic-like shine, has weaker pigmentation (suitable for brow-bone area)
2: A gold shade with a bronze undertone, good pigmentation, contains tiny shimmer particles
3: This is a 'true' bronze shade, though a bit lighter; has good pigmentation, a metallic-effect, and contains tiny gold shimmer
4: Copper bronze shade, great for the crease area, contains tiny shimmer particles
5: Brown with a gold shine, has a metallic effect, good for the outer V-corner
6: Brown-oak shade, with metallic effect and silver sparkles (has a silver shine), good pigmentation

Essence, Hello Autumn, eyeshadow palette, 02 Keep calm & go for a walk
At first I wasn't sure if I should get this palette or not (since I'm not a big fan of green eyeshadow), but the bronze shade (no.3) makes it worth it to me. I think this palette is visually less appealing than the first one (or maybe that's just me, since I love bronze shades), but it's still cute. A lot more glitter and shimmer in this palette, though. Individual shades review and swatches are below:
1: Shimmery white shade with a pearl effect and a strong metallic effect, very strong white tone, good for the inner corner of the eye, very dusty
2: Yellowish golden shade, with a metallic effect, dusty, somewhat weaker pigmentation
3: A dark bronze with gold sparkles, has strong pigmentation, contains tiny shimmer particles, this is my favorite shade from both palettes
4: An 'evil' shade of green (a villain's shade), strong metallic effect, easy application, good pigmentation
5: Weak green shade, contains lots of gold sparkles, has a metallic-like effect and oil-spill effect (color-wise), has the weakest pigmentation in this palette, suitable for the lower lash-line
6: Black with a blue glow, contains visible gold glitter, has super strong pigmentation, and it almost has a matt-finish
What essence says about these products: ''The eyeshadow palettes offer six long-lasting autumn colors in the combinations gold-brown and beige-green with various effects ranging from semi-matt to metallic. The double-ended applicator is included in the set and guarantees easy application and blending.''
Comparison: Though some shades may seem similar on the promotional photos, or on the swatches, no shades are true 'twins'. For instance, shade 3 from 02 palette is not the same as shade 4 from 01 palette (shade 4 is brighter), and it's still not similar to shade 5 from the 01 palette, because shade 5 has weaker pigmentation.
Shade 2 from the 02 palette is not the same as shade 2 from the 01 palette (this one is more golden), nor is it similar to shade 1 from the 01 palette (this shade is more white, and it's better pigmented).
The shades that are the most similar are 1 (01) and 1 (02), however, 1 (02) is a tad whiter (better pigmentation), and 1 (01) is more nude, or beige white.
I'd say if you're into eyeshadows that have a matt finish, or if you want very strong pigmentation, you will not find what you're looking for here. However, if you're a palette nut like me, if you love gold and bronze shades, this is something to buy. I think the 01 palette will be great to take with me when I'm traveling.

The rest of the collection is also to die for, everything is cute and hard to resist. This collection has already hit Muller stores, and it's just arriving to dm's in Croatia. Will you grab anything? Other than the palettes, the things that have caught my eye are the eyebrow sets, blushes and the gorgeous bronzer. Overall, this has to be the prettiest essence limited edition in the last 2 years. Would you agree?

Thanks for stopping by, see you guys soon! Don't forget to follow me on facebook, bloglovin' or GFC.
Love, J.
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