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CTFxC: The Inconsistencies And Moving On

UPDATE, February 2015
Hello guys! Welcome to what will go down in history as the longest ever blog post, because this is one long ass post, for real. I know, I know, I'm a little nuts. But it will end on a positive note: because this is my last CTFxC related post, and after this I will be moving on from the CTFxC drama. For those who don't have a clue what I'm talking about, CTFxC is a Youtube reality-show which has two people upload a video every day of their lives for 5 years and counting. They recently got a divorce and the daily videos were continued by the husband only, and his new girlfriend, and the wife has gone to her separate channel and no longer appears in the videos of the show she started. 
UPDATE, February 2015

Anyways, welcome to the 3rd and (most likely) final CTFxC related blog post. Today I'm going to talk about the 2 videos that caused a lot of controversy, the ''HOW WE MET!'' and the ''SECRETS ABOUT US!''. In a strange twist of events, I've become like the go-to guide for the CTFxC divorce drama (what the hell, Internet?). Which was never the idea of these posts in the first place. Today I will share my analysis of the things stated in those two videos, and point out all the inconsistencies that I know a lot of you already noticed. We're also going to talk about moving on and turning towards the future. When it comes to making these blog posts, the reason this will probably be my last is because I just don't want to look at Charles anymore and I don't want to watch videos with 3rd Allie in them. To each their own, but to keep up with what's going on, I have to occasionally watch some of the CTFxC vlogs, and I hate it. I am following Alli and I find her vlogs (and videos) to be very entertaining and captivating. I'm also going to discuss why I feel the tables have turned and what's the main reason why Alli is getting all the love and support, and Charles gets all the hate (and it may not even be Karma). As always, do not consider things stated here as fact, these are my opinions only. Feel free to do some investigating yourself and form your own opinion.

So, before we start, you might want to watch these two videos to even have a clue what I'm talking about. Watch them yourself, you may follow them together with my commentary, and don't forget to leave your thoughts below in the comment section.
The videos are:
''HOW WE MET'' and ''SECRETS ABOUT US'' - these will be called HWM and SAU further in the blog, so I don't have to type it again.
Some of the comments below are my thoughts on the videos, and some are people's comments from the comment section of these 2 CTFxC videos, and also from the GG forum (the ones with the grey background).
Let's get into it. First up, the ''HOW WE MET!'' video.

First off, how did they meet? We haven't got a clue. The video is essentially about a first date. But before this first date, they had to have met somehow. They arranged this date, so why pick her out of all the fan girls? We haven't got an answer as to how they met.
In the video comments, Charles said he's hoping this brings ''us together as a community again''. Meaning he knows the community has fallen apart. What bothers me is that he thinks the community should all rally around him and his new chick, as if the communtiy has no problem forgetting Alli Speed was ever there.
This community was around you and Alli Speed. To expect from them blind support towards only you and your new partner seems very selfish. IMO, he should have stopped with the CTFxC channel and formed a new community on his individual channel. That way he would have a new community that could evolve around his new relationship. People have some problems being a community again, but around a different couple. That's the main problem: Charles is trying to get the fans of his marriage to become fans of his girlfriend. And that's hard to do in real life, let alone on the Internet. But I guess he wants the Youtube cash that comes with 1,4 million subscribers, so he just though he might continue the videos, and stay in awe when people that have watched him love one woman for 5 years are not ready to be all lovey-dovey to the new girl that was there (for us to see) 2 weeks after the marriage was over.

Ugh, Mel is so fake. She is by far the side-character I least enjoy seeing.
Since I don't watch the videos any more, I only just realized how annoying the 3rd Allie's voice is...your thoughts? Or maybe she's chewing gum? I don't know.....
She sounds like Daffy Duck
3rd Allie says:''WE DECIDED that we were gonna go on OUR first date.''

So THEY decided. Together. So....they were already emotionally involved then? I mean, they had to have been flirting for a long time if they decided they were gonna go out on a first date: decided TOGETHER. That conversation had to have been weird. So was he texting and skyping with her while Alli was living with him? While they were kissing for the daily videos? While they were working on their marriage? All valid questions, guys.

Charles: ''Like a gentleman'', and repeats this claim about himself a few times.

And I'm sitting here like, LIKE A MARRIED GENTLEMAN. Dude, you were married! Were you still making the daily videos with your wife? Were you wearing you wedding ring the night of your first date? Because, what we get from this video is that they went on their first date BEFORE the separation video was published on the CTFxC channel. Charles refuses to give us precise dates, so we can't know for sure.
All I'm saying is, if he were a nice guy, he would have waited AT LEAST until he has filed for divorce, or until he was no longer making daily videos with his wife, or until the news of the divorce was public.
However, a GENTLEMAN would wait until he was divorced to date another girl. You're not a gentleman, dude.
Also, what was your wife doing while you were ''being a gentleman'' to this other girl?

3rd Allie says she wasn't sure if Charles was ''going to be a creep''
INCONSISTENCY: In the other, ''SAU'' video, they tried to insinuate they know each other from college. If they go way back, then why was she worried? If they've 'decided together' they would be going on their first date, then why was she worried?
If they go way back and know each other from college (SAU), and have many mutual friends (this is what they claim), then why was she doubtful? This makes me think he had to have met her while he was married to Alli, and NOT BEFORE.

Even Melissa notices the inconsistencies in the story about the driver. Funny. LOL

Charles says ''this was the days way before Uber''

This comment raised a ton of questions, since it implies that the date took place way before the separation announcement. And a lot of people took it as a sign their first date took place while Alli was still living in the house. Not sure when Uber came to Florida, but he's acting like this was ages ago; the problem is, ages ago, well, he was married.
So she talks about his ''seducing'' techniques and him kissing her.

Let me get this straight. He was separated from his wife (according to him), not divorced or divorcing yet, at the time of this first date. Because when the ''WE NEED TO TALK'' video came out, he called it a separation, but it was a divorce, SO IF THEIR FIRST DATE TOOK PLACE AFTER THAT VIDEO, he would have told her he was divorcing, not that he was separated (this is really key information, guys). We have no idea how much time has passed (mind you, from the last we see him kissing his wife until the first we see him with this Allie (on a date after this, a double date), time passed is 17 or so days.
So, having that in mind, he goes on a date with this chick, and he already knows he likes her this much? To make out with her? Likes her enough to be head over heels? On a first date? How long have they been texting and skyping for him to figure it out? Why didn't he take time to mourn his marriage? And was he texting and skyping with this one while he should have been working on his marriage?

HE HAD TO HAVE BEEN UNFAITHFUL TO SOMEONE. Either he was married and going on a date with this girl while his wife remained clueless to the other woman, or he was dating this girl and cheating on her when he was kissing Alli Speed in his videos??

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM??? If the date took place before April 7th, then what did he say to 3rd Allie? ''Gotta go home now and make videos with my wife, kissing her and incorporating a new puppy into our family''???
Because, on April 6th (2 days before the split), Alli Speed posted a video where she talks about the things she bought for Charles in Japan, and how they were going to use it together, and in the background you can see a photo from their wedding day, with the words ''FAMILY'' written above (this is fucking heartbreaking).

You know, watching this video, and mind you, I'm about their age, I realize how immensely immature Charles and 3rd Allie are for their age. They're like obnoxious teenagers. No wonder the views are going down, it's hard to watch this, especially for anyone older than 24.
She says that she thought ''what if he's crazy?''

Well, this is yet another inconsistency, because they say they go way back to while they were in college - so clearly the college story doesn't really hold up.
Charles says he wanted to meet her grandparents.
What's he gonna say to them? ''Hello, I'm the married guy taking this chick on a date''? Awkward much?
Charles talks about his options, about who could have driven him to this date. (He's not allowed to drive)
Do you remember a few days after the separation announcement when Lauren (Alli's mom) helped him take those dumb posters to the post office? Why didn't he just ask her? If he was already with 3rd Allie then, why did he think it was acceptable to ask Alli's mom to take him ANYWHERE?!
Charles says ''she was very classy, very elegant'' (about what she was wearing)

And I'm thinking, she's on a date with a married guy, there's nothing classy or elegant about that, no matter what you wear. She knew he was married, because she only on the first date asked him was he still married, and he said he was separated. So NOT divorced or in the process of divorcing, separated. So that means he was married. You can wear classy clothes, but if you're dating a married man, that ain't classy. Well, that's just how I feel.
They're so immature! Grow up! ''Yes I did. No you did not. Yes I did. No you did not.'' And those dumb clueless fake faces! My god, how do people even stand watching these vlogs? I can barely sit through this. Half of the time I'm rolling my eyes.
Melissa seems so into Charles and 3rd Allie's relationship. She's so supportive and cheering, talking about their corny picture etc. Yeah, I remember the days she was this supportive of his relationship with Alli. Just saying.
3rd Allie says it bothers her when people call her a ''homewrecking whore'' (HW W).

Well, honey, I've said this before: he told you he was married. AND ONLY ON THE FIRST DATE DID YOU ASK HIM WHAT HIS MARRIAGE STATUS WAS!! WHY DIDN'T HIS MARRIAGE COME AROUND WHEN YOU TWO DECIDED TO GO ON A FIRST DATE? You knew about his wife, you liked a photo from their wedding anniversary months back. That's what he meant when he said ''I'm separated''. He didn't say ''divorced or in the process of divorcing'', he said ''separated''. That means, darling ''I'm still married''. And if he after that went home to Alli and shot videos with her and kissed her, then you are a HW W. At least that's how I feel.
So Melissa says that she's not a HW W because ''We know the timing''.
Oh yeah, then why not SHARE the timeline with us, if it's all so innocent and all good? Why not say the date of their first date? Why the hell not? Share the timeline with us, and let people form opinions.
Charles says ''when we first started hanging out''
Which is not consistent with how they said in the ''SAU'' that they know each other from college.
Charles says ''when the video went live, it's not real time'', and 3rd Allie says ''it's just when you chose to talk about it''.

Was 3rd Allie already involved with Charles when the ''WE NEED TO TALK'' video was recorded? Did she already date him when he announced the divorce? A lot of people would find that to be very shady.
That video was shot then, not months or weeks before, because Charles's beard is consistent with the next day. And if you think his marriage was over long before, then go and watch the videos: HE'S KISSING HIS WIFE A FEW DAYS BEFORE! So, yeah, the ''real time'' was a day, 2 days TOPS between when the video was shot and when it went live. That ain't much wiggle room. Or Charles wishes to say he straight up lied to all his viewers that ''mean so much to him''? Nobody asked Charles to fake his life for the camera. He could have said the truth. Or maybe he could have said nothing. But in the few days before the separation, he made a pregnancy joke, he's kissing Alli, telling her that he loves her, etc. If they were really over, why put on a charade? There was no need for that. Nobody likes to be lied to, especially the viewers when all this time he kept saying he ''wants to be completely honest''. The videos were extremely misleading (if only from Charles's standpoint) considering what was happening in his life at the time, and maybe that's the reason people don't trust him anymore.
And if we people are so damn confused, then why don't you just explain it to us? And, 3rd Allie, who the hell is she to even discuss the marriage - there are two people who can speak for that marriage and what went on: Charles and Alli. NOT YOU. YOU KNOW NOTHING.
Did anyone else find it absolutely repulsive when the 3rd Allie talked about the marriage between Charles and Alli? Or is it just me that's bothered by this?
I find it very important to note how HE AND 3rd ALLIE BOTH TALK about the separation announcement and say ''that's when YOU'', and ''that's when I chose to talk about it''.

HE chose to talk about it. Not him and his wife. HE alone.
Alli Speed (as it seems from this conversation) was not a part of the decision-making process to talk about it, is what I'm reading from this. Charles made the video without her, not giving her a chance to say anything. It was just Charles. That's so sad. He made a decision to announce it, and his wife had no say in it. So sad. I feel for you Alli. From this conversation I get the impression that he consulted more with 3rd Allie about his divorce announcement than with his wife. So sad.
3rd Allie says ''and I knew you guys were going through something tough''
(past tense, meaning, at the time it was happening, she knew they (both Charles and Alli) were going through it). So she was already there. She was dating him. 

Remember when that video came out, and Charles looked so sad and upset - it was all fake, because he was already dating this one! 
How else would she know (she used past tense)? She must have already had her first date with him before the break up unfolded for the Internet. And she claims (in the other videos) she never watched CTFxC, then how does she know about who ''you guys'' were? She had to have known about the marriage, and she says she knew that they had to ''share'' something ''so personal''. Share where? She knew they had a show and an audience. So how involved was she in the marriage before it fell apart? This whole statement is not consistent with what she says in ''SAU'' how she didn't know anything about the CTFxC. All valid questions here, guys.

Just a friendly reminder, after the ''We need to talk'' video, Alli was the one going through tough stuff. Charles was getting the sympathy and the love, and Alli was getting ALL THE HATE. It was BAD. And if you think you can imagine how bad it was, it was like 30 times worse. She was being accused of every disgusting thing you can think of. If you believe (now) that she left because she found out about 3rd Allie, than what she went through becomes so much worse. She even touched up on this topic in an interview she did.
Sorry, I realized I never linked to Alli's interview in XCENTS Magazine:
So there you go. ;)

The other guy (Phil) says ''they (the audience) want you to be open''...''you guys don't want to be open''...and then the 3rd Allie says ''*cause* they're gonna rip us apart''

IF YOU DID NOTHING WRONG, NOBODY WOULD RIP YOU APART!! So this is one more indicator that they did do something wrong, i.e.: started the relationship before the marriage was over. Huge indicator!
3rd Allie says ''when you look up to somebody''...

People aren't upset because they 'looked up' to Charles like he's a god or something. People are upset because they don't like being lied to. The videos were just lies and bullshit (at least Charles's side was, since we do now know he was most probably dating Allie). None of this is in accordance to Charles saying he wants to be ''totally honest with the viewers''. People are upset because we watched a loving couple for almost 5 years, and the wife was replaced before our eyes, in 13 days. That's why people are upset.
I love (/s) how 3rd Allie talks about ''how do you explain to people why things didn't work out?''

Yeah, you CLAIM you didn't watch the CTFxC videos. So how do you know anything about that? About the announcement? And what's it to you to think about how to explain it to people? YOU HAVE NOTHING TO EXPLAIN. That relationship had 2 people in it: Charles and Alli, NOT YOU. She feels like she knows the situation and she knows so much and she's got their marriage all figured out: and I'm like ''sit down. you haven't got a clue''. Maybe you just know Charles's version, but that's only one half of the truth (if even that much).
AND DON'T BELIEVE for a second that they were separated for months (or weeks) and that people in real life knew, and that just the internet didn't know. ShayCarl is close friends with Charles, and he didn't have a clue. He called Charles the same day, and was visibly shocked. And the last time they saw Charles and Alli, the Shaytards were convincing them to have a, obviously, the separation was not present to people in their daily life. Also, I don't feel like Alli would fake a relationship for the camera. She doesn't seem like the type. I feel she was trying to work on their marriage.
Charles pissing me off with his ''sometimes there's no explanation''...
Your marriage broke up...and you can't explain why? Really? Dude!!
Melissa says ''When you met Allie, you were ready (to go on that date)''

First of all, this is not consistent with their claim that they don't know how they met. Maybe they should ask Mel, because she obviously knows, LOL. Or their claim they know each other from college? This Mel's statement is a clear sign they do not know each other from way back, this is a sign they met DURING his marriage (according to Mel).
Mel says ''you were ready''
We see him kissing his wife, and then we see him on a double date with this 3rd Allie, and the time difference between those 2 events is about 17 days. HOW DO YOU GET READY IN 17 DAYS OR LESS? HOW? CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN IT TO ME PLEASE??????
I love (/s) how Melissa says that she remembers how they first met ''when you first met Allie'', and in the ''SAU'', the two of them do not remember how they met? Hilarious.
Melissa hasn't been very nice to Alli. I feel like she blames Alli for the hate Charles is getting. Like, for instance, this tweet by Melissa (which Charles shared on his FB):
Melissa's like ''Now that EVERYONE has moved on...''
Like it's Alli's fault that there's no positivity surrounding Charles. She seems to be insinuating that Charles would not be receiving all the hate if Alli got a boyfriend after 2 days as well. Or maybe it's Alli's fault she didn't date someone new while still shooting daily videos with Charles? *Rolling my eyes.* Alli is moving at her own pace, and whether she's moving fast or slow, her actions have no influence over what people say to Charles. After all, Alli's the one that's been keeping quiet, Charles is the one mentioning the divorce constantly.
''Allie, you're allowed to be happy.''

Yeah, you are. However, you should have waited until his marriage was over, so you can be, as you put it, 'happy'. What would it be to you to have waited some time? Why wasn't waiting ever an option? Is it because Charles is incapable of being single and he needed to have a new squeeze so that God forbid he doesn't have to be single for 1 day??? You should have waited until the marriage was over. That is something a kind person would have done.

I mean, a lot of times in the comments you hear people say that it takes a long time to go through a divorce, and that they had to have filed for divorce back in 2013. That's bullshit, because public records show they filed for divorce a month and a half AFTER the ''separation'' video:
3rd Allie talks about her DUI.

Don't even listen to the excuses. No matter what happens to you, no matter what someone does or says to you, there is no excuse. If you have your keys with you, you do not get drunk. If you do get drunk and have your keys with you, you take a taxi home. Or call someone to pick you up.
Note one thing about this: she talks about how it has effected HER. She never once mentions the danger she created for other people. She never once mentions the lives other than hers she endangered. It's all about her. People are killed by drunk drivers, unfortunately, every day. And the families of those innocent victims don't want to hear ''my douche boyfriend broke up with me''. She didn't hurt anyone. She got lucky. But there are still no excuses for her behavior.
Also, she claims this DUI was ''the best decision of her life''. Is her life that shit that a DUI is a light spot? DRUNK DRIVING CAN NEVER BE CALLED ''THE BEST DECISION OF YOUR LIFE'', ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? The way she talks about this gets me so angry! You guys know how much I hate drunk drivers, so I'm getting really upset here.
She talks about how she ''took time for herself''. Her DUI was in late August 2013, and we see her taking to Charles in early November 2013. So how much time for herself did she take? It's like she and Charles hold the world record in bouncing back and moving on...a day and I'm over it! LOL
3rd Allie says ''we started chit-chatting, very casually''

Yeah, casually...with a married man. So casual.
She talks about her asking him about his marital status.
She says she knew he was married, and then on their first date she asked him if he was still married.

When she agreed to go on a date with Charles, she had no idea he was separated (if he ever was?). She agreed to the date, knowing he was married. She went on a date with a married man.
And I mean, what's he gonna answer you on your date ''yeah, I'm still married''??!! You're on a date, he's gonna tell you what he thinks you want to hear! Why would you even believe him what he says. To me, if he ain't divorced, it ain't happening!

At the end of it, she says he told her ''it's a little bit more difficult to put it out there in public''.

Meaning, after their first date, he might have gone back to Alli, and kept making daily videos with her. I mean, let's just say that's true. Why would she believe his words? If a guy told me. ''I'm married, but I'm separated, but it can't be made public'', I'd think ''Bullshit. He's still with his wife, I'm something on the side''.
And how did this relationship go on? She's going on dates with him, and he goes back home and kisses his wife and makes videos with her????
This comment about ''it's difficult to make it public'' makes me think it could easily have been weeks or months before the separation announcement that these two started dating. He could have been ''sitting on two chairs'' for months before he (or Alli, more likely) decided to end their marriage.
Charles says: ''It's all out there for you guys.''

No, it's not. But you guys know that, that's why you read my blog LOL


Now for the second video, ''SECRETS ABOUT US!''

Had she heard of CTFxC or WTK before she met Charles?

First of all, these two claim they don't know how they met (yeah right!), so how can she even answer this if she doesn't know when or how she met Charles? LOL
She claims she never heard of CTFxC, yet (we have screenshots) she liked a photo of him congratulating his wife on their wedding anniversary. I mean, WTK don't seem to be famous, and they get a lot of traffic and fans because of Charles (at least it seems that way to me). In fact, isn't that why the other band members started vlogging?
It seems to me she had heard of CTFxC, since she said she knew he was married.
''How did you meet?'' ... ''We have no idea.''

Yeah right. Even if they don't remember the first meeting, one of them has to remember something! When did they start to notice each other? Charles doesn't text and skype with all the WTK or CTFxC fans, so how did they start doing this? In the other video, Melissa says ''when you first met'', and 3rd Allie says ''when we first met'',so they have to know, right?
''lots of mutual friends'' ... ''in college''

Riiiight...then why was she afraid to go on a first date with him, and why did she think he might be a creep? Why have her friend Savannah on speed dial if they go way back? Inconsistencies!
Even if you had no idea really, then just say the furthest you can remember. Charles has a lot of FB friends, but she does not. She should remember how they met. And if they were just friends on FB, then why not talk about the first time they met in real life? Are you telling me seriously they started a relationship, and have no idea how they met? That sounds so dumb.
3rd Allie: ''One of the biggest things Char told me when we first met''

Anyways, she said that when she first met him, he told her he does have seizures.

Which means: they didn't meet in college, because Charles only started having seizures when he was already married to Alli.
Inconsistencies !!!

Just wanted to point out, that vlog when Charles thought he might have a seizure while he was shopping with Allie, and he took a bunch of medication and called her over... You know, these things happen. What upset me was - she continued to shop for dresses. And for the rest of the video, Charles seemed so spaced out and out of it. Made my heart break. If that was Alli, the shopping trip would be so over, and she'd take him home to relax. I'm not saying 3rd Allie is a bad person, I'm saying Alli was a lot more nurturing. This girl has a lot of catching up to do. I feel like Charles isn't being taken care of as well as he was before. This new girl is older, but she isn't as mature as Alli, and that's something Charles needs in his life right now: someone to be very serious when it comes to his health issues. All I'm saying is, when I saw that vlog, made me tear up: all the things Alli did for him, how she took care of him and shared the struggles with him, and yet he's still leaving nasty comments about her in the comments. Just made my heart break.
Again, claiming she didn't know about the daily vlogs.

Then why like a photo of Alli Speed on Charles's facebook? And if they were skyping, it never came up in a conversation? Really? What he does for a living never came up? And she liked his FB page, where he mentions CTFxC in every other post. And she claims she never noticed it? I don't know who's buying this story....
They say they texted for a while, then they facetimed or skyped or whatever.

But was his marriage over when this was happening? Where was Alli during all this? Was he still kissing her in the videos? This seems super shady on Charles's part...
3rd Allie says that her being on camera made their relationship easier. And he says ''back in the day when she was Squiggles.''

But we see her in videos on April 21st (double date, golfing, in his friend's vlog), and on May 12th. long has the relationship been going on BEFORE she was on camera, before she was Squiggles? Was it while he was still filming with Alli? The more they talk, the more questions we have.
She says she's a very private person. I don't think she can say stuff like that anymore. She does this (for a living, most likely) now. She's filming her daily life for all to see, if she were a private person, she wouldn't do that.
They talk about the little girl that wanted to meet 3rd Allie and no one else, and all of a sudden it's ''one of Charles's favorite memories''. Because his fans or people that wanted to see him don't matter, right? *Rolling my eyes*
Anyways, I feel bad for the girl. Why would she want to meet this one? Did she not watch Alli for years in the vlogs? Like, it was weird to me.
Charles starts reading Steve Jobs quotes.
I am not an Apple person, but really, do people exist that still like Steve Jobs? Don't they know anything about him and what he was like? I'm surprised people like him. Maybe they need to learn more about him:
The whole ''when we're old and grey and have grandkids...we'll look back at this''.

Maybe their kids should start watching the vlogs from the beginning, with Alli Speed in them? *Rolling eyes again*
She says ''sometimes he can't remember who I am''
Is that a joke? Or seriously? Does he mistake her for the other Alli? Is that what she meant?
They talk about the negative comments they get.

Alli doesn't get negative comments any more. But she didn't put someone new in the videos in a blink of an eye. Maybe the negative comments would stop if you just told the truth? I mean, you do this for a living, might as well be honest. Maybe the main difference is, Alli Speed is officially introducing her boyfriend. She's using the word ''boyfriend'', and she's talking about this. Charles never once talked about this in his videos when 3rd Allie first showed up. She was there as Squiggles. And when he showed her face, he said ''This is Allie, AKA Squiggles'' (btw, it creeped people out back then when they realized the two women share the same name). Never did he say in the videos ''I have a girlfriend''. He talked vaguely about moving on, literally days after the separation announcement, when most viewers were still rooting for the marriage to work. There were photos on his Instagram, and some on his Facebook, but he never addressed the issue in his videos when she first started appearing. I don't know if he called her his GF now, months later, but when she first came out, people were confused. They kept defending him in the comments like ''he's allowed to have female friends''. It was all sort of hidden. And Alli is being open, so maybe that's why people like her better. Or maybe because she's slowly easing the boyfriend into the audience: first she was just talking about him, showing an ear, trying to get us to like him and to see how much he means to her. And when the boyfriend (Chase) was first shown in a video (today, btw, he's such a cutie), she introduced him straight away and explained who he was - there was no big secret. Charles just threw this new chick there, it was obvious they were dating, yet he never made any effort to get the viewers to like or accept her. She was there, but he did not address the situation. She was a replacement in the eyes of the viewers and that's maybe the main reason she gets the hate. She was the same character on the show, but a new actor. A lot of people thought of it as disrespectful.
Just to be clear, nobody's asking daily vloggers to report they are seeing someone during the first few dates. But then just rather don't say anything and when the person appears, introduce them. That's what Alli is doing, and that's what Charles has failed to do, which (I think) was his biggest mistake. But then again, Alli was always better at telling stories and captivating an audience than Charles...
They're already fighting. Alarm alarm
Her grandmother googled Charles.

So obviously she had to have found out that he was married. Found out about the wife. And she thought it was good to date this guy?! Really? My grandma would be like ''He's married, HELL TO THE NO!''
So they say they never really saw each other except on Skype. So how do they go way back to college then? Inconsistencies.
And when he told her ''Wow You're gorgeous'', where was Alli? Did he shoot a video with Alli that day? This is so two-faced to me, I can't stand it. Why was he skyping with her if he was still living with his wife and trying to work things out? WHYYYY?


Now we address some new stuff that has happened:

I don't know if you guys missed this: Charles released two tweets, first this one:
 And then this one, taking ShayCarl out of the dare:
A unicorn butt tattoo? Any tattoo on anyone's ass is a very bad decision. But this one? Even if he were to get 2 million subscribers, so what? You don't make such a bad decision over it. It's just a number. I thought this was incredibly stupid and immature.
But what I found interesting was how little he knows his BFF, ShayCarl. ShayCarl is a Mormon, a Later Day Saint. This religious community (to the best of my knowledge) does not allow tattoos (I think). Also, Shay has 5 kids, and a wife. His wife would not be too happy with a butt tattoo (at least I think so). So, what was with this? He just randomly included Shay in such a dumb idea, and then he took Shay out of it when Shay said he's not going to do it? What happened?
Seriously, a unicorn butt tattoo? Is he 11 years old? This is so pathetic.

So, Alli has a boyfriend. His name is Chase. As I'm typing this, I'm waiting for the latest vlog to come out that might be featuring him (it's out and he is here OMG MUCH EXCITE!). I haven't been this excited about a vlog in ages. OMG
So, what do we know? Hm...they go way back. Like, she knows him longer then Charles. 
So someone (most likely this woman Rachel, because it was taken on her profile, however we don't know for sure if it was really her) tried to stur some shit up in the last few weeks. A wife of a friend of Charles' tried to stur shit up by posting these two photos below (while pretending in the comments that she doesn't personally know Alli or Charles, yet she was in their wedding):
This Rachel woman was also seen in a vlog with Charles and the 3rd Allie sometime like 2-3 months ago.
Saying how this is ''proof'' that Alli did something wrong (yet she isn't able to say what it is that Alli did wrong)? What the hell is wrong with her? These are two photos, dated year 2007 (back when she didn't even know Charles). We have no idea if they even communicated during Alli's marriage. And also, cheating on Charles with this guy would be pretty damn difficult considering Chase lived in South Korea for almost the entire duration of Alli's marriage (from what I've been able to find out). All I know for sure is that Chase is fucking adorable. And my gut feeling is telling me Alli is a good, kind hearted person that would never hurt anyone, let alone be shady.
I mean, I'd get together with a guy I was in love with in high school if I could, so I guess that's why I'm so excited about Alli's relationship - it seems kind of insanely romantic. She's not with someone new who she doesn't know. She's recycling from her past. Recycling is good. I approve. LOL

Guys, Alli explained how she and Chase met (in the best possible way) in her latest video, so check it out HERE at 6:19
To sum up: They dated ages ago, broke up, and then reconnected when she was legally divorced. No big secret, no hiding, just the truth.
As I was typing this post, Alli released a vlog which features THE CHASE. I think he's so sweet. He's very handsome and funny, and has such a sexy voice. OMG.
I love how she's been slowly introducing him to the audience: it's been three weeks since she spoke about him in the Q&A video, and she posted two photos on her IG. And now she's slowly showing him to us. Also, it's really no big secret who he is, because she started following him on twitter and IG, so that's how most people found out his name. I think he's a sweetheart and I'm so excited about the upcoming vlogs. OMG I'm such a nerd.
As to why nobody's attacking Alli, why nobody's doing investigatory work or trying to find ''proof'' which might make her look bad; or why nobody is analyzing the timeline of her relationship with Chase:
She waited until her audience was ready (months after her marriage was LEGALLY OVER did she even mention Chase). He is still not in the vlogs (sorry, he appeared while I was typing). She has confessed she has a boyfriend in her videos. She has been honest with her audience and said that it's ''not some big secret'' and that she ''doesn't have anything to hide'' and that it was time. She handled the situation in such a classy, considerate way towards everyone included (especially the audience), so that's why people are rooting for her and supporting her and being nice to her.

Just look at her smile when she talks about Chase. She's just so happy. She's not hiding anything. MUCH EXCITE LOL

Anyway, I'm just loving how she's handling it all. Such a class act, and it's making us all be so supportive and excited for the vlogs. How can you not love the honesty! She's adorable. Lauren and Dennis should be so proud. They did good. <3

Let's be clear about this: nobody's out to get Charles, or to hate him just to hate him, not even me. People are noticing the lies, and they're trying to point it out, yet he's reacting very poorly to any advice. Honestly, I watched the CTFxC vlogs for Alli, she was so interesting and amusing, and time just flew by with her. I am LOVING all the content she's putting on her new channel. Without her, I can't watch Charles. He's boring and is way too immature for me. With Alli I feel like I'm finding out so much: when she's travelling she makes the videos interesting and always has some fun fact to share. If Charles travels somewhere he just makes fun of how different they are from us. I think he made a huge mistake, and that Alli was the person the community revolved around. Without her, he's just a boring guy that can't get over his ego. I think he could be a better person, I just don't think he is at this point. 

I have confronted this story and all this drama, and now I am ready to release it.

I feel like I understand the situation now, and am at peace. I wish Charles no ill will, I simply do not wish to see or hear him again. I will continue to support Alli and watch her entertaining videos. However, I will no longer be making these CTFxC blog posts (most probably). I mean, if Charles does or says something horrible about Alli, I might again resort to sharing my thoughts with you guys. For the time being, I will share some minor thoughts on my twitter profile (for instance, if Charles hearts more nasty comments about Alli).
But I just don't think I will be making more blog posts about this. I am ready to move on. (But I would still love to discuss this all in the comment section below.)

CTFxC is over. ''The community'' is over. I will continue to follow Alli Speed's videos because they give me joy and happiness. I just can not bare to sit through Charles and the new immature girlfriend. I feel like Alli handled the situation the right way. She quit the stupid daily vlogs when her marriage was over. She took time for herself. She kept her head high. She did not trash her ex in any comments. She was a champ. She was a class act. We should all aspire to be more like her. I cannot in words explain how awesome she is. She's handling the situation so much better. And it shows. And people see the honesty and want to be nice back to her.

This is all miles away from Charles's immature ''Squiggles'' antics, and bringing Allie into the vlogs without saying they were dating. He caused a ton of confusion. And I'm not even going to talk (again) about what a low class move all the comments he's made have been. The hate you get Charles, it's not Alli's fault. She doesn't have some magical hold over the CTFxC audience. It's all you. People are responding to you. To the nasty comments you're liking, to the deceitful things you've done. To the bad attitude you have towards the whole situation. Do not blame Alli for the shitty position you're in. It's all you. And it's not her duty to help you now, or to say or do something for you.

On this note, I salute all of you. Thank you for embarking on this crazy adventure with me. Thank you all for all the investigating you guys have done, and for screenshotting for me and emailing me all the info. You've all been awesome. Hopefully Charles will stop talking about the divorce, or perhaps he will own up to some things so that he too can put this in the past and move on (I don't think he is quite ready yet to do this).

Again, I wish you all the very best. Hopefully we will still see each other in the comments section of Alli's videos. I hope you are all happy and well in your endeavors.
Love you. Thank you all for your kind words. Have a nice day. :)

Why yes kind Sir, you are free to leave a comment below.
However, if you just insult or attack me, or are acting like you possess no manners, I will delete those comments. You can support Charles, that's fine, but do so without attacking others. I have no need to keep mean comments. That's my prerogative.

Thanks to all the people who sent me the screenshots used in this post, also thanks to the lovely ladies of GG for sharing their inspiring insight with us all.

Love, Jelena

****Please note that all the things stated in this post are my personal opinion only, and feature information from the internet that may or may not be true. Please take this with caution, and use your brain wisely. This post was written so I can express my opinion on what has happened in this youtube show. Please regard it as my opinion only, not as actual fact. Also, you may do some investigating yourself. This post was not written with the purpose of bashing Charles or anyone else, but for me to get some things off my chest that have made me incredibly sad. Obviously I do not own any of the photos featured in this post. I have not personally met any of the people mentioned in this post. Just stay positive and enjoy your day.
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