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CTFxC: What you may have missed

UPDATE, February 2015
Ola guys! If you have no idea what CTFxC is, then this post is not for you. Boy, it's been a long time since we talked about the CTFxC drama. Because I've been getting a ton of mail asking me to write another post (the first one turned out to be very popular), I decided I have no choice but to sit down and share some of my thoughts. I've decided to split it into a few posts, so I'll have a separate post about the ''how we met'' video (or as I call it ''how we didn't meet''). The point of this is, I wanted to share how I feel about the development of the show (it's gone downhill), and I wanted to hear your comments. Also, keep in mind everything expressed in this post is MY OPINION ONLY or simple speculation or guesswork, not actual fact. Anyways, let's get started!

UPDATE, February 2015

Before we get started, in case you missed my first post, you can find it ON THIS LINK
And the third and final post is up HERE

So, Charles has put an image of the new Allie in the video intro. I've stopped watching the videos, so I can't tell you when exactly this new intro became permanent. What I can say is that it bothers me. Next to them is the number 6, which stands for 6 years that the vlogs have been happening. The thing is, 3rd Allie hasn't been here for the 6 years. She's been here for a few months. Anyways, I'm not going to get into the moral side of incorporating her in the business, but I will talk about the business side of it. Whether Charles is willing to admit this or not, Alli started the vlogs WITH HIM. TOGETHER. It was her business as well. For somebody to take her place, like the way they change actors in soap operas: well, it just ain't cool man. This girl's post (these are not my words) explains exactly how I feel, and I couldn't have said it better myself. Read up:
I feel a lot of people don't understand what I mean when I talk about the business side of the vlogs. They do get money from advertisers and from google ads on youtube. When the vlogs first started, they had how many subscribers? A few thousand, if that much. Alli and Charles TOGETHER brought it to 1,49 million. And now the third Allie is here, when the audience is large, yet she had nothing to do with developing the business. Is it ok to make her essentially a partner in a business that Alli Speed started? Let me know.
On a related note, her Instagram account features a business email. I'm guessing she's looking to get sponsorships and what not (she has followers because she's connected to Charles).
I was able to find 1 post (this one below), which I thought for sure had to be a sponsored post. What she's written is out of character, and she's linking to the manufacturer, etc. The thing is, she should mark it as a sponsored post, and it's not marked. So, no way to know for sure (maybe she isn't obligated to mark it?). It just struck me as odd. I can't claim this is sponsored (obviously), but it just struck me as odd.
Maybe the reason this bothers me is the following: when I wrote my first post, a lot of people were saying that it was Charles's channel and that Alli had nothing to with it. She was just background, if you will. I felt otherwise. I thought they were a couple and a lot of viewers thought of the channel to be of the couple, not just Charles. What bothers me still is how much this new Allie has been incorporated into the channel that Alli worked on for 5 years. I went back 178 videos, and the 3rd Allie appears in the thumbnails of 92 of those videos. So she's in thumbnails for more than a half of the videos. It seems wrong to me.

Anyways, as you may know, Charles and the 3rd Allie posted 2 videos on the CTFxC channel: one where they talk about their first date, and one where they answer some questions. Now, I'll get into more details in some of my other posts or maybe in this one, but the thing is, they refuse to share how they really met, or when exactly their first date took place. Now, I am convinced their first date took place before Charles posted the separation video, but more on that in the future posts. Here I will share with you some information I failed to share on my last post: how far back Charles and Allie go.
Now, here is a photo of Alli from November 2013, and the 3rd Allie liked it. She liked a post where Charles is congratulating his wife on their 2nd wedding anniversary. And now she's dating this guy.
Here they are again a few days later - Charles comments on one of her posts. Now, Charles has a ton of facebook friends, and I do not think he has the time to like or comment on random people's posts. I am more inclined to think that they knew each other IRL at this point.
They have refused to give us any dates to their relationship: when they first met in person, how and when he asked her on a date, and when did this first date take place. What we do know is that on April 22nd they were hanging out. Now, according to their story, on their first date they got to meet up and really talk for the 1st time (really?). So, them hanging out here with the turtle shows they must have already been dating on April 22nd. The problem is - Charles announced the separation (it was a divorce right away, but he called it a separation) on April 8th. 
Number of days passed from the separation announcement until him out in public with his new GF: 14 DAYS.
***edit: I stand corrected, she went mini-golfing with him and his friends on April 21st. So, 13 DAYS.

Let me be very clear about something: he and his wife have been kissing in videos, and have kissed just a few days before the separation was announced. They were talking about keeping Chico, planning the future, etc. Then Charles posts that video where he claims is upset, bla bla. Yet, 13 DAYS LATER, he is out with his new girlfriend. Think about this. From separation to new girlfriend in under 13 days. 
I mean, his marriage just broke up: shouldn't he have taken some time for himself??? Alli took time for herself. But I guess he had to continue the daily vlogs or whatever (seriously, just take a break, stop it, vlog 3 times a week, nobody cares if you take time for yourself). Anyways, my opinion is that he and 3rd Allie went on their first date way before the separation was announced, but more on that later.

Here you can see Allie in a video next to Charles, on May 12th, barely a month has passed:

So, one of the main reasons for writing a new post is because I get very angry with how Charles is treating Alli. Alli has been a class act and hasn't spoken of Charles at all since the divorce. He, on the other hand, is unable to do so, and is liking comments where people talk poorly of her. Now, this photo below got a lot of people angry. This is what Charles has been doing lately: in the comments on his videos, he looks for comments that trash or bad mouth his ex wife, and then he 'hearts' them. Or says 'thank you'. Whenever he's asked about it, he claims he responds to the positive part of the comment. But is it really necessary to put a ''heart'' on a comment where someone calls your ex-wife a bad name? Even his loyal fans have noticed this, and you can always find them complaining about how ''Charles only responds to bad comments''. 
Now this comment above is really disturbing to witness. As you may or may not know, Alli has a boyfriend now, and she has spoken about him once and has posted 1 photo on her Instagram (1 mention, 1 photo; a lot LESS than how many times Charles has mentioned his new girlfriend). Now, even this little hint of a new boyfriend is enough to throw Charles over the edge, and he's given a ''heart'' to a comment which refers to Alli's new boyfriend as a (and I quote) ''A FUCK PIECE''. Yup, you read that correctly. Now, Alli could have easily liked a comment where someone calls 3rd Allie a homewrecker whore or says that she's ugly or talks about her DUI. But she never did anything of the sort. Not once. In fact, she and I battled on twitter, where I was trashing people with nose rings, and she defended them. 
All I'm saying is, if Alli is able to refrain from liking mean comments, Charles sure as hell can make an effort to stop liking mean comments about Alli. I mean, a ''fuck piece''? Honestly? That's so offensive. Not even I have called his GF a 'fuck piece'. That just shows his true character.
So I happened to see that people are saying that Charles didn't like the ''fuck piece'' comment, but that he liked a nicer comment, and that the photos are edited (wtf people?!). Since you guys have SWAMPED my email with a gazillion screenshots, I knew this was not the case, so I went to check out what the comment says now. And to my surprise, the name of the poster is different, but also all the cursing and name calling is out. NOTICE THE ''EDITED'' SIGN IN TOP LEFT CORNER:

Pissed me off (naturally), so I let her know we all know what the comment ORIGINALLY said:
And here came the accusations - that I edited the screenshots. LOL Please, I may do a lot of things, but edit HER words I did not. There's no need to do this, since there are so many nasty comments ''hearted'' by Charles:
And the screenshots below are simply my way of clearing my name, since I see that (shockingly so) the vast majority of people believe that the ''fuck piece'' comment never existed. Here is her first lie, she claimed she wanted to type ''fella'' instead of ''fuck piece'', and that's why she edited her own comment (mind you, she confesses that she herself has edited her comment, while today she's accusing me of doing it). Her second lie is that I edited her own post LMFAO. What's the next lie gonna be, Rebecca ?:
In case anyone has any doubts, here is an UNTAMPERED screenshot, about 6 minutes after Charles left his ''heart'':
Now, this girl seems to be obsessed with defending Charles, she has made it her crusade or whatever. Which is fine, I guess. What is not fine is accussing Alli or straight up making up shit. Screenshots or it didn't happen, bitch!

This above shows how delusional this chick is. First of all, when the separation was announced, Alli got a ton of mean comments, a ton. But she kept her head high. And she is still getting nasty comments all the time. She just chooses to ignore them. It's not her fault people don't like Charles. People don't like Charles because of Charles, not because of Alli. I guess people just like seeing her happy. Why do they need to support both of them? It's ok to take sides. It's not and IT WILL NEVER BE Alli Speed's fault that people don't like Allie or Charles. Charles communicates with his own viewers, not Alli.
Now this above: so many things wrong with that. First of all, Charles does still reply to bad comments, in fact, he has 'hearted' her comment calling Chase a 'fuck piece'. Alli is allowed to get nice comments, no matter what happens to Charles. Now, I'm going to be crystal clear about this: NOBODY is forcing Charles to do daily vlogs. In fact, many people care more about his health and wouldn't mind him taking days or even weeks off. Or doing a one-take vlog. He's doing this to himself. In fact, I've said many times, he should take time off - vlogging is an immensely stressful job. Forget about the world record, just take time for yourself. People who vlog need to stop listening to 9 year olds in their audience. Like, people are attacking Alli when she's not holding to her schedule. Like, who the hell cares?! Maybe she'll post 3 videos or 5 videos a week. What should matter is the quality of the material, not the quantity. Also, BFvsGF are having relationship problems, and they're literally begging their viewers to let them have 1 day a week off. Like, just take 4 days a week off!!!! I mean, who makes life decisions listening to a bunch of pre-teens? These vloggers need to stop. Put up a video if you feel like it. Not because you feel forced to do so.

Again, this girl Rebecca (she keeps changing her name, now she's becsxo ) is still at it, trying to convince people that I edited her comment (which I have no need to do, since Charles has liked many mean comments about Alli). People aren't believing her, but still:
Now, before I even wrote this blog post, her original UNALTERED comment was up on Reddit, posted by some random person, so clearly I did not edit it ''for my blog'' - it was on the Internet before I ever even spotted it!!!!!
If I post a screenshot here, I may hide a person's name. That's all I will do or change. I have no interest in editing people's comments. That's pathetic, almost as pathetic as accusing someone of editing your comment, which I clearly cannot do. In case you haven't figured it out, I edit these posts in Paint, LOL top technology LMFAO!!!! She obviously called Chase a 'fuck piece'. And Charles liked her comment. So why not just enjoy it - her idol Charles agreed with her! 
I do not care for liars. If you still think I may have edited her post or altered it in photoshop or wherever, then read it all again. I don't know who she's insulting more: ME, by accusing me of such ridiculous juvenile shit, or THE PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET, by claiming I am some super wizard that edits her own comments. Pathetic. People need brains.


 Anyways, more mean comments approved of:
This following drama turned out to be interesting to me. A while back Charles wrote a long-ass post about how people need to stop talking about him and Allie and how and when they started their relationship (this was because the screenshots came out of them communicating way back in November 2013, while he was married). Anyways, reading his post, I got upset because he kept saying ''my ex'', not calling Alli by her name. It pissed me off. But it turns out, I wasn't the only one. Read here:
What pissed me off is that he was talking on Alli's behalf. He was saying ''me and my ex want this'', or ''me and my ex feel this way''. This is wrong to do. You are no longer together, and you do not speak for her. If she wanted to talk together, she would have retweeted you, or made a video together or something. I know that's one thing that really upsets me - when he talks in Alli's name. Not cool dude. She can speak for herself.
Here he takes one more tiny jab at Alli, he's always liking comments that say that he's happier than he was. I mean, why not just say that you're happy? Why do you have to say ''I'm so much happier than I was in my past relationship''? This just helps drag Alli into this bullshit again.
Now this comment has been THE MOST TALKED ABOUT. Why? Because it shows Charles liking a mean comment on one of Alli's videos. That means, he went to her channel. He looked for a mean comment. He +1'd it. Observe:
As soon as the news of it broke out, he unliked the comment. So what happened was, apparently, Alli was at the mall, and she had lunch with a glass of wine or something (she was with her mom). She went cruising the mall and later she drove back home. Someone implied that she drove a car, even though she drank alcohol before (again, during the day, 1 glass, over lunch). He has done this before: he's trying to make it seem that the 3rd Allie's DUI is the same as Alli's ''drunk gaming'' or Alli's driving her car a few hours after having 1 glass of wine. Not the same, Charles. Do you know why? Because the police didn't get involved.

Ok, moving on. This comment, when I saw it, I noticed she refers to him as ''this kid''. No big deal, right?
Well, then this swam out:
She says in this facebook status from a year ago that she went out and talked to ''that kid''. Charles liked this status. And you know, at first I though that maybe I was reading too much into this. But then again, Charles is 1 of only 10 people who liked this status. Did he already personally know her back then (this all happened, January of LAST YEAR), about a month before he was going to get his wedding date tattooed on him?
Well, something new happened. On THIS YEAR's January 5th, the two of them did something: they talked about ''how they met'', or to be precise, they talked about their first date. Could it be that their 1st date took place on January 5th 2014 (3 months before the separation?). Lots of people are speculating about this - of course, this is just speculation.
Well, there are two possibilities: either they didn't hang out on January 5th 2014, or they did. Choose to believe whatever you want. But what really bothers me is that Charles told her (on their alleged first date) that he was separated. And she still went out him. He didn't say ''I'm going through a divorce'', he said he was separated. I mean, isn't that a sign to back off? I'd back off.

If you want my 2 cents, I think they did go out long before the separation was announced. Keep in mind, Charles was kissing his wife in the videos up until a few days until the separation announcement. In their new video ''how we met'', Charles's sister Melissa says that Charles was ''so ready to go on that date''. When did he get ready? Because if they went after the separation video, Allie would have seen it and there would be no need to ask Charles if he was still married. Right? And if they really did go after the separation, then how could he be ''ready''? It's been a few days, and his marriage just broke up. Shouldn't he have taken some time for himself? There's no shame in being single, dude.
Was he single at all during 2014? And for how long?
I'm TEAM ALLI all the way. If Charles and Allie have nothing to hide, why not share with us the date on which their first date took place? Why not? And if he and his wife Alli were truly separated months before they announced it, then why the hell can we see him kissing her a few videos before the split? Why tatttoo the wedding date on him? It doesn't make any sense to me.

If in fact Allie really did start dating Charles while he was still making daily videos with his wife, and pretending for his audience that he's happily married, then yes, my opinion is: she did something wrong. I'm around her age and I can tell you for the life of me I wouldn't go out with some guy who I knew was married. And if he told me was separated I'd back off, because that means they haven't decided to divorce yet. Let me know how you see the timeline down below in the comments.

One more thing many have been complaining about is how similar the video titles and images have been in the old and in the new relationship. I don't think it's a big deal, but it does make me feel uneasy. It's like he's recycling the old relationship.
And this: I mean, this photo below of Alli and Charles has been one of their most famous and best recognized one. Did Allie really need to do this? I mean, people don't just wrap themselves with Christmas lights? Or maybe I just don't.
Also, I just had to share this. Someone wrote this comment on a forum and it reflected my thoughts exactly. In fact, I think this is why Allie has blocked me on Instagram/or Twitter - I talked about how this is Alli Speed's home that she created, and doesn't she feel uneasy being there. Like, 2 minutes later Charles blocked me as well.
And a few examples of Charles acting immature. 
You might be wondering why I put up the ''birthday'' tweet. Well, the thing is, on Charles's birthday, his fans kept tweeting Alli Speed about will she congratulate him. I felt like this tweet above was yet another example of Charles trying to make Alli look bad. You know what I mean, like, ''look guys, she didn't tell me happy birthday''. You know, Charles, there comes a time in life when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.

Anyways, lots of LOLs to be found in the comment section of Charles's posts and videos, make sure to check them out. Alli has been a lady through all of this, and that's why she gets the nice comments these days. I guess it pays to be a nice person.
To sum up today's post, in the words of the great Lauren:

A huge thanks to all the people who made some of these amazing screenshots (when I was too slow), the guys over at: be a fucking decent person (click on the name) and the ladies over at GG forum (though apparently they don't want to be linked back).

Now, yes, you are free to leave a comment below.
However, if you curse a ton, or if you just insult or attack me, or are acting like an 8yo brat, I will delete those comments. You can support Charles, but do so without attacking others. I have no need to keep mean comments. That's my prerogative (some of you younger ones might want to google this word LOL).

****Please note that all the things stated in this post are my personal opinion, and feature information from the internet that may or may not be true. Please take this with caution, and use your brain wisely. This post was written so I can express my opinion on what has happened in this youtube show. Please regard it as my opinion only, not as actual fact. Also, you may do some investigating yourself. This post was not written with the purpose of bashing Charles or anyone else, but for me to get some things off my chest that have made me incredibly sad. Obviously I do not own any of the photos featured in this post. I have not personally met any of the people mentioned in this post. Just stay positive and enjoy your day.
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