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Moment Make Up Photo Spam

Happy Sunday everyone! I'm sure all girls in Croatia know that Moment make-up is available at Offertissima stores. As for the rest of Europe, I'm not sure where these are available. This is a cheap make-up collection coming from Spain. Nail polishes are 9kn, rest of the products usually 8-12kn (so between 1-2 euro). They've got some awesome glitter nail polishes. Overall, their quality is the same as the cheaper drugstore brands. Their packaging  is so cute, so I thought I might share this beauty. The polishes smell a bit, but the dry time is ok, so overall I'm happy with these. And now - the photo spam.
This make up brand does have other stuff available. They eyeshadows look cute, but I might try the Mate lipsticks. They're only 8kn. I might even get the black one. <3
Have you been to Offertissima? Sometimes they have really cute stuff, and really cheap. I've always stayed away from the make-up because I thought that if it's cheap, it has to suck. But really, it's only a little cheaper than essence, so I guess they're not that different, and I buy essence products all the time. What are your experiences with Moment make-up?
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